Just Don’t Call Me “Chipmunk”

Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel at Sheepeater Cliff

There are three kinds of proper chipmunks that are commonly found up in The Stone:  The Least Chipmunk, The Uinta Chipmunk, and the Yellow-Pine Chipmunk.  How would you like to be named ‘least’?  It is true that the Least Chipmunk is the smallest chipmunk in North American, still, being called ‘least’ is kinda having ‘stinky’ for a nickname…

Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel at Sheepeater Cliff

The cute little dude shown above is neither, in fact not a chipmunk at all.  In spite of the chipmunk-like stripes on its back, this critter is a Yellow-Mantled Ground Squirrel (YMGS).  The definitive ID is made by the absence of stripes on the head and face and the lack of pointy little ears.  Also, although you could  not tell from the image,  the YMGS is quite a big larger than its chipmunk cousins.

Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel at Sheepeater Cliff

Squirrel and chipmunk behavior is actually very distinct.  I have a hell of a time shooting chipmunks – their movement is unpredictably twitchy and they are easily spooked.  Squirrels by contrast are inveterate beggars, and will fearlessly scurry right up to you in hope of getting a treat.

Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel at Sheepeater Cliff

Images in this entry were recorded at 08:30 MDT on May 15, 2013, using the Nikon D7100 and the AF-S NIKKOR 600mm f/4G ED VR lens.  Exposure was f/8.0 and 1/640s, ISO 400.

 Copyright 2013 Peter F. Flynn.  No usage permitted without prior written consent. All rights reserved.


Where Sheep Fly


There is magic in The Stone, there can be no doubt.  Drive around a bit and you’ll see something remarkable around every corner.


Amongst the most popular, but less-seen of the Park fauna are the Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis).  A majestic animal, proud, strong, and especially elusive.  We know of only three locats in The Stone where Bighorns can reliably be observed.


Okay, right, not reliably – nothing whatsoever in The Stone is reliable – at best, sometimes, perhaps occasionally (if you are lucky…you have good Karma, right?) .


We found this beautiful creature on the west side of the Grand Loop road, just north of the Yellowstone picnic area, posing in a most fetching manner on a large-ish boulder.  For reasons known only to herself, this ewe made a couple of determined steps and launched herself skyward.  As if by magic.

We work hard at getting lucky.

Images in this entry were recorded using the Nikon D7100 and the AF-S NIKKOR 600mm f/4G ED VR. 900mm effective (yeah, I’ll write more about this combination later).  Exposures were f/8 and 1/1000s, ISO 400.  I’ve previously claimed that f/8 was an aperture one-stop too small…I’m rethinking this.

 Copyright 2013 Peter F. Flynn.  No usage permitted without prior written consent. All rights reserved.

Encounter at 2K8 (Hellroaring Trailhead)


I’m not much for novelty photography.  Let’s say that there is a bear dancing the ‘Macarena’ in the middle of the Yellowstone picnic area – I’d wait for the bear to stop dancing before beginning to shoot – okay, perhaps that’s a bit of an exag, but I’d run shots only if the bear was dancing real good…

The story behind the image above begins, as so many of the posts on this site does, with the HP.  The HP has two major roles – she is 1st and foremost, the transporter-extraordinare, getting us into position for the shoot – her less-well-known but equally important role is as chief intelligence officer.  Yeah, without intelligence you will be lost in the vastness of The Stone.  Right, I did mention Hellroaring…that’s in The Stone (as in Yellow-Stone, git with it people!).  Anyway, winning is about knowing where you need to go, and getting there before the plebes arrive, invariably screwing things up so that the NPS has to close the show down.

It’s around noon on May 15, 2013, and we are near the outlet of the Blacktail Plateau Drive, at the end of a bear-viewing event.  I see the HP hanging with Mr. Ranger-Sir and some folks with things to share.  The HP is in intelligence-gathering mode – looks kinda like a cat stalking prey…  She gets a tidbit, turns, and heads for the truck – time to go boys!  Nearly leaves one of us in the dust, damn this must be good.  Hellroaring, black bear, cub.  Dood, we’ve visited Hellroaring dozens of times and not seen a damned thing…  No point in arguing, the HP is set on course, we are off for Hellroaring.


Arriving at the 2K8 parking lot, we scramble gear together and head down the path.  Wait, okay, back up…some (most) of you have no idea what I’m talking about.  First, let me clarify that every trail in The Stone has an official designation – trailheads are distinct from paths.  The designator 2K8 is specific for the trailhead for a number of trails leading into the Yellowstone River and Hellroaring Creek basin.  These paths include, 2H1, 2H2, 2H3, 2H4, 2H5, 2H6, 2H7, 2H8, 2H9, 2C1, 2C2, 2C4, 2R1, 2R2.  The 2K8 also provides access to the backcountry trailheads 2N1 amd 2N5, which are located north along the Gallatin NF/Stone boundary.  The key point is that 2K8 is directly in the middle of the action.


We march out along the trail headed east and pretty-much run squaw into a black bear sow with a yearling cub.  The cub is instantly up a tree and momma bear is keenly intent on keeping us at a distance.  In standard black bear behavior, this sow wanders slowly up the trail, backing everyone up into the parking lot.  Once in the parking area, the sow decides that a vehicle inspection is the order of the day.


In the end I think it’s bugs.  Dead bugs.  On the license plate.  Illinois plate, plenty of bugs.  I guess the idea is that given plenty of dead bugs on the plates, there must be more on the hood.  In the end, the sow fended off the infidel-humans.  The humans got their photo-op.  Rangers and plebes alike had no idea about what happened here – kinda like Vegas actually, what happened here, stayed here…

Some of you may be wondering what the Macarena is…  Substitute Charleston, Bossa Nova, Mashed Potato, Tejas 2-Step, Worm, Cha Cha Slide, Crank That Soulja Boy, Single Ladies, Dougie, etc., depending on your age.

All images in this entry were recorded on May 15, 2013, at around 12:00, using the Nikon D7100 and the AF-S NIKKOR 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II.  Exposure was f/8.0 and 1/640s, ISO 2000.

Copyright 2013 Peter F. Flynn.  No usage permitted without prior written consent. All rights reserved.